"Happy Holidays Everyone!"

Dec, 2023

A Christmas Message From Neil

Hello my lovelies,

Please allow me to extend my warmest and most generous wishes of happiness, healthiness and general good fortune to you all, this wet and moderately chilly Yule.

It’s been one of those eclectic years for me. Between my Ulster Orchestra piece, the release of smash hit movie-film LOLA, my second series of Europop, and some obscure art house movie about chocolate I haven’t known which end of me is up. Thank you very much indeed if you partook of any one of these multifarious oddities.

There’s so much rotten stuff going on in the world right now. I know there usually is, but this assortment of apocalyptic horsemen seem particularly vindictive. They must not go unchallenged. Let’s keep fighting for our fellow humans, our animal cousins and our lovely big greeny blue planet, with compassion, empathy and generosity. Watch out horsemen!

I’m sure you’re all anxious to know when there might be another album. (At least I hope you are!). Well so am I really. As soon as everything's calmed down a bit I’ll get properly stuck in. Promise.

I think some genuine experimentation would be a good place to start. Don’t worry. They tend to start weird, then gradually return to sanity before going out into the world.*

Christmas message over. Happy holidays everyone!

Neil x

*Synthesiser Service Centre Super Summer Sale excepted!